Sleek Bill for India is a freemium invoicing tool designed with the following principle in mind: no matter how small your business is, coming across as efficient, professional and organized is. Billing Software free. download full Version With Crack – Free billing software program for managing consumer accounts, quotes, orders, billing, invoicing and making use of funds. Make your online business excel with a web-based console so a number of customers can create invoices, experiences and apply billing funds from their net browser.
2.4.7 - January 8th 2021
1. BUG: GST - TCS206C no longer applied on shipping fees;
2. BUG: Traditional taxation - New Payment Creation fixed;
3. BUG: Traditional taxation - Bill Creation fixed;
4. BUG: Traditional taxation: Expense report not always appearing;
5. BUG: Traditional taxation: old taxes removed;
6. BUG: Reset document numbers manual button did not always work;
6. BUG: Error message appears if you try to overwrite 245 diretory - FOR THIS CASE PLS INSTALL IN A SEPARATE FOLDER;
2.4.6 - December 16th 2020
1. Feature: Packing slip document added;
2. Feature: TDS/TCS + TCS(206C) implemented;
3. Feature: Add and Track Expenses from Sleek Bill dashboard;
4. MOD: Fiscal Year function modified to be automatic and now has option to reset document numbers automatically;
5. Improvement: A4 template added to Payment documents;
6. Improvement: Prefix can now be set with different default for each document type;
7. Improvement: 'Bill To' label added in Model 4 template;
8. Improvement: Debit Note added to In&Out Inventory Report;
9. Improvement: Invoice Export report now has TDS, TCS, PAN columns;
10. Improvement: Option to rename Purchase Order title label;
11. Improvement: Notes in Payment documents - 'Mark as default' option added;
12. FIX: Template 4 option to hide disc column added;
13. FIX: Dadra and Nagar Haveli / Daman and Diu merged into new UT;
14. FIX: Jammu & Kashmir state removal and 2UTs added;
15. BUG: Scaling issue on Resolutions with Windows zoom enabled;
16. BUG: Inclusive taxation calculation error when cess added;
17. BUG: Payment documents could not be emailed;
18. BUG: GST template 4 column label did not take from preferences;
19. BUG: Bill - auto generate next document number;
20. BUG: Purchase order cgst/sgst/igst based on bill to state;
21. BUG: json for eway sometimes had errors with ship to data;
22. BUG: Ability to add invoice in old Fiscal year with no errors;
23. FIX: New Company screen changed to 2 screens;
24. Multiple small bugs and fixes.
2.4.5 - January 27th 2020
1. Improvement: CGST/SGST or IGST based on clients 'Bill to' state
2. Improvement: Hide columns feature in GST template model 4;
3. Improvement: Document number prefix in Bills;
4. Improvement: Export clients with balance;
5. Improvement: PAN added in clients report export file;
6. FIX: E-way Bill Json shows invoice number prefix;
7. BUG: Bill reports export default save directory;
8. BUG: Delivery Note doesn't have quantity column in document;
9. BUG: Contact form sometimes did not work;
10. Multiple small bugs and fixes
2.4.4 - October 17th 2019
1. Improvement: Filter of invoice listing in Payments
2. Fix: Print and export older saved invoices in New GST template possible;
3. Fix: Purchase Rate added in Quotation item edit
4. Fix: Invoice prefix added in report GSTR1 for CSV format
5. BUG: Shipping tax now shows correctly after edit
6. BUG: Edit old Bills sometimes not possible fixed
7. BUG: Contact form did not work from the app
8. Multiple small bugs and fixes
2.4.3 - September 19th 2019
1. Feature: Payments section with Receipts
2. Feature: New GST template design added
3. Feature: Option to show invoice prefix in reports
4. Feature: Total Quantity field & option on Invoice
5. Feature: Custom Low Stock Value for dashboard
6. Feature: Invoice Export report with tax % breakdown
7. Feature: Project field in Purchase Orders & Quotes
8. Feature: Kerala 1% Cess tax rule option added
9. Feature: Grand Total Amount option on invoices
10. Feature: Ad pictures now appear on some Free accounts
11. Feature: Filter by client/vendor in 3 Inventory reports
12. Feature: Option to show invoice prefix in exported reports
13. Improvement: Updated GSTR1 and GSTR3B reports
14. Improvement: ESC key to function as CLOSE on open tabs
15. Improvement: 0.1% GST tax rate added
16. FIX: Send document to multiple emails possible
17. FIX: Add payments unpaid listing limited to 6 months
18. FIX: Credit notes -refunded- can now be deleted
19. FIX: Multi shipping address for challan now possible
20. Fix: Advance payments appear in PO export report
21. FIX: New internal stock tracking system to keep track of issues
22. BUG: POs to non-India vendors now show foreign currency in doc
23. BUG: Cancelled invoices now appear in GSTR3B
24. BUG: 3 party Place of supply auto selection corrected
25. BUG: Unpaid shortcut not working ok in dashboard
26. BUG: Reset year bug - edit old invoices would ruin numbering fixed
27. BUG: In&Out report tracking edited invoices stock
28. Multiple small bugs and fixes
2.4.2 - December 21st 2018
1. Feature: New document can be minimized
2. Feature: Advance payment can be added in POs
3. Feature: 1% gst added
4. FIX: Cess amount available in bills & POs
5. FIX: Eway bill json format updated
6. BUG: Proforma title character limit increased
7. BUG: In & Out Report not generating for some
8. BUG: GSTR1 csv not saving
9. BUG: Debit note qty and desc did not appear
2.4.1 - November 16th 2018
1. Bug fix for composition scheme shipping charges
2.4.0 - November 1st 2018
1. Feature:EXPORT invoice format + multi currency option in invoice
2. Feature:Debit note now available
3. Feature:GSTR4 report for Composition Dealers
4. Feature:Bills Export Report with Tax breakdown
5. Feature:Inventory Reports with Date Range
6. Feature:Delivery Challan with inclusive taxation
7. Feature:Convert Challan to invoice
8. Feature:Search by SKU in items
9. Feature:Search by contact name in Clients
10. Feature:Credit Note in In&Out report
11. Feature:Last save location for reports
12. Feature:Dashboard notification icons
13. Feature:Report: Export Invoice Item Wise with taxes
14. Feature:Make credit note from Invoice Preview
15. Feature:Cess as both % and Value
16. Feature:Major change in DB tos tock tracking system
17. Feature:Opening stock added to In&Out report
18. Feature:Currency code option instead of symbol
19. Feature:Eway bills export for invoices
20. Feature:Bills now have another field for invoice number
21. BUG FIX:Cancelled invoices not shown correctly GSTR1 now solved
22. BUG FIX:Export Bills Report discount&shipping now showing
23. BUG FIX:Traditional taxation docs Null error solved
24. BUG FIX:Place of supply auto selected as outside India in some cases now fixed
25. BUG FIX:HSN/SAC field appears properly for products and services
26. BUG FIX:Credit note can now be added for previous fiscal year also
27. BUG FIX:GSTR3B SEZ clients now see IGST correctly
28. BUG FIX:Editing tax on shipping charges in old invoices now saves as per edit
29. BUG FIX:Import client/vendor lists overwriting data is now fixed
30. BUG FIX:Taxes in export Bills / POs ,now appear based on vendor state
31. BUG FIX:Place of supply outside of India now showing correctly at reinstall
32. FIX:Increase character limit in document number prefix upto 5
33. FIX:Client data saved directly from invoice, if client does not have it set
34. FIX:Partial status for some paid invoices added in report
35. IMPROVEMENT:New discount columns now appear in reports
36. IMPROVEMENT:Multiple docs template improved (smaller spacing, smaller labels etc)
2.3.7 - May 11th 2018
1. BUG FIX: Hindi language issue in some cases
2. MOD: Option to activate Hindi added (disabled by default)
3. Bug Fix: GSTR1 bugs with calculations, taxes, extra columns
4. Fix: GSTR1 & GSTR3B updates
5. Fix: A5 template improvements
6. Fix: Credit note in GSTR1 & In & Out Report
7. Fix: Amount with discount in Inventory Reports
8. Bug fix: Due date misaligned in some cases
9. MOD: Inventory Reports now only for Inventory license
10. Bug Fix: Inclusive taxation - Unit Price row values adapted
11. Bug Fix: Shipping Charges Tax added to Bills
12. Feature: Client listing: search by GSTIN
13. Traditional taxation fixes (invoice export, state optional, HSN removed)
2.3.6 - April 19th 2018
1. FEATURE: Inclusive Taxation (on Bills & POs it is in doc edit , for sales docs, this can be activated in COMPANY DETAILS as a global setting)
2. FEATURE: Inventory report section: Sale Inventory Report, Sales by Client Report, In and Out Inventory Report
3. FEATURE: Credit Note
4. FEATURE: Upload signature for all documents
5. FEATURE: Shipping charges TAX
6. FEATURE: CESS % format on items
7. FEATURE: Label for Notes can be renamed
8. FEATURE: Clients can now have multiple shipping addresses (to be chosen in doc edit)
9. FEATURE: PO can be converted to quote
10. FEATURE: GSTR3B report available
11. FEATURE: New fields in Transport details: EWB No, Transporter Name, Transporter GSTIN No.
12. IMPROVEMENT:Cgst/Sgst calculation alternative in Options (eliminate decimal issues)
13. IMPROVEMENT: Support for HINDI in products & Notes
14. IMPROVEMENT: GSTR report improvements
15. IMPROVEMENT: Composition scheme – taxes can be added in bills
16. IMPROVEMENT: SKU limit is now 15 chars
17. IMPROVEMENT: Place of supply auto suggested based on Ship to state
18. IMPROVEMENT: Show/hide Amount in challan now works in traditional taxation
19. IMPROVEMENT: Traditional taxation quotes export now fixed & shows discount
20. IMPROVEMENT: PO and BILL place of supply is now default to user company state.
21. IMPROVEMENT: GSTIN validation warning on client gstin.
22. IMPROVEMENT: Some small changes to export/import templates to match online version
23. IMPROVEMENT: PO number fix for long labels
24. BUG FIX: A5 challan notes not showing
25. BUG FIX: Export invoice report showed IGST incorrectly for same state invoices
26. BUG FIX: Reverse charges on quote
27. BUG FIX: End Fiscal Year - doc reset would be overwritten if old document would be edited.
28. BUG FIX: In some cases notes would not appear in A5 challan.
2.3.5 - December 4th 2017
1. FEATURE: Option to show split Total GST by rate % on documents;
2. FEATURE: Place of supply setting in GST documents
3. FEATURE: Template improvements to fit more items
4. FEATURE: Option to hide Amount & Tax columns in Challan
5. FEATURE: UTGST & SEZ options & support
5. FEATURE: GSTR1 report format for LegalRaasta
6. FIX: Small Quote & proforma fixes
7. FIX: Custom city state code now appears
8. FIX: Discount fixes to be applied on Taxable value
9. FIX: A4 invoice multi-page spacing limits for items
10. FIX: Bills of supply now have HSN/SAC column
11. FIX: GSTR1 bugs and fixes
12. FIX: Open older bills and POs
13. FIX: Total shown in Sales by report
14. FIX: A5 separate labels on A4 prints
15. FIX: Amount in words darkened
16. FIX: Edit item also shows purchase rate
17. FIX: Reports window stretched in certain cases
18. FIX: Bills not saving in TEST DB
19. FIX: Indian formatting in totals
20. FIX: Sales by products stock tracking bug
21. FIX: Show tax details in tax column did not always work
22. FIX: Total balance now appears on smaller display
23. FIX: Java SE Accessibility would prevent some users from opening app
24. IMPROVEMENT: VAT ID extended to 15 characters
2.3.4 - October 10th 2017
1. FEATURE: A5 Invoice available
2. FEATURE: Proforma Invoice enabled
3. FEATURE: GSTR1 report enabled
4. FEATURE: Reverse charges option added
5. FEATURE: Option to hide Qty & Price columns
6. CHANGE: Goods/Services separation removed
7. CHANGE: Added COG to inventory report
8. FIX: Can view pre-GST documents
9. FIX: Uploading clients with GSTIN issues
10. FIX: Keep track of stocks in negative
11. FIX: New city/state selector issues
12. FIX: Taxes not imported correctly
13. FIX: Discount in Invoice report
14. FIX: Vendor address in PO
15. FIX: Multiple bugs with Bills
16. FIX: POs and Bill reports with GST split
17. FIX: SKU available in Item import/export
18. FIX: Added UAE currency symbol in English
2.3.3 - August 7th 2017
1. FIX: State DB changed and state code added for GST
2. FIX: switching to non-gst company sometimes crashed SB
3. FIX: can view or delete old invoices
4. FIX: Invoice Export now shows CGST, IGST, SGST columns
5. FIX: Item Export and Import now have HSN/SAC
6. FIX: Invoice type is now default based on last invoice made
7. FIX: GST template now has a totals bar on the bottom
8. FIX: Transport label character limit increased
9. FIX: Added option to not add taxes to Amount column
10. FIX: Purchase Order now has GST columns
11. FiX: Original, Duplicate, Triplicate modified for GST
12. FIX: GST template numbers and font decreased in size
13. CHANGE: GST activation flow changed (now from Company)
2.3.2 - July 11th 2017
1. NEW Feature (India): GST taxation options
2. New Feature: Bill of Supply document (GST composition)
3. Change: GST template modification
4. Change: GST taxes added
5. Change: Challan template change for GST
6. Change: HSN and SAC fields added to Items & templates
7. [FIX] COGS & Gross Margin bugs repaired
2.3.0/2.3.1 - June 16th 2017
1. New License types & cost structure Existing users are not affected.
2. New Feature: Create purchase orders. Activate from Settings “use POs, bills and vendors”.
3. New Feature: Create Bill(s).
4. New Feature: Turn purchase orders in bills.

5. New Feature: Reports for purchase orders & bills.
Sleek Bill India Crack Software Download Pc
6. New Feature: Add Vendor.
7. Improvement: Add TIN or VAT number for your company.
8. Improvement: End of fiscal year button also resets quotes, proformas and delivery notes.
9. Improvement: Added CFT in UOM list.
10. Improvement: Transport labels maximum character limit increased.
11. Improvement: Added option for default notes for each type of document.
12. Improvement: Option to change date format to dd-mm-yyyy.
13. Improvement: Added selector in transport labels for e-Sugam No. or Waybill No.
14. Change: Option to add PO date in documents, when second number is activated.
15. Change: Second invoice number is hidden by default.
16. Bug with importing products solved.
17. Bug with deleted invoices still appearing solved.
18. Bug with 3 decimals amount rounded off in words solved.
19. Bug with terms from quote remaining in converted invoice fixed.
20. Bug with gross margin showing wrong amount fixed.
21. Bug with amount due remaining the same when editing older invoices solved.
22. Bug with Invoice label showing for “Date” solved.
2.2.4 - March 30th 2017
1. New Feature: Add “Service Category” label for invoices.
2. New Feature: Generate sales by product/service report in app or export it in XLS.
3. New Feature: Add Purchase Rate and Inventory Features.
4. New Feature: Add SKU number & search by it. (Inventory Features must be enabled).
5. Improvement: Select type of invoice when converting from Proforma/quotation.
6. Improvement: Selector for Vat Tin No. or CST Tin No. label.
7. Improvement: Selector for PO No, Ref. No or Enquiry No. in Proforma, Quote or Challan.
8. Improvement: Show discount editor on edit invoice screen.
9. Change: 'Tax' column automatically appears on all documents.
10. Bug with discount showing in tax column fixed.
11. Bug with cancelled invoices appearing in total value of the month in reports fixed.
12. Bug with amount due not showing correctly in saved PDF invoices solved.
13. Other small bugs fixed. (& instead of amp).
2.2.3 - December 5th 2016
1. Bug with spacing fixed;
2. Bug with Company details in Quote fixed;
3. Bug with Rounded off before Total Amount fixed;
4. Bug with Extra Discount fixed.
v 2.2.2 - November 24th 2016
1. New Feature: Tax Group with Tax2 on (Amount+Tax1) for Octroi;
2. New Feature: Net Received Amount shown on Invoice (if activated);
3. Change: Ability to show header on invoice next pages;
4. Improvement: Report improved on lower resolutions (balance is now shown);
5. Improvement: Totals section on invoice rearranged to correct order;
6. Improvement: A5 invoice can now have multiple pages;
7. Fix: Renamed label did not print;
8. Fix: Add longer VA no;
9. Fix: PO number now transferred to related docs;
10. Fix: licensing issue with company name;
11. Fix: emailing did not work with capital letters;
12. Multiple small bugs and UX issues fixed;
v 2.2.1 - October 10th 2016
1. New Design for Invoice Preview section with new UX;
2. Original, Duplicate, Triplicate documents now save to one pdf file;
3. If you have multiple page invoices, the header will only appear in the first page;
4. Option to add Transport labels (like e-sugam) on invoices from 'More Options';
5. Option to Rename the Original, Duplicate, Triplicate labels from Settings > Labels section;
6. Option to cancel an invoice - this returns all stock and wipes amount due;
7. Option to hide shipping date on Challan;
8. Option to make Invoice from Quote;
9. Option to not have decimals for Quantity column;
10. Export invoice report now shows payments & PO number;
11. Report for quotations now shows if it was converted to invoice;
12. Excise invoice- option to add a Cess tax to the Excise tax %;
13. New fields in Client billing: VAT, PAA & in comp details: VAT no;
14. Address fields for client are now arranged better to take up less space;
15. Arabic language supported in Product name;
16. Total on Quotation now says Total Amount instead of Total Quotation;
17. Changes and optimizations to all invoice templates;
18. Default location for saving pdfs is now set;
19. Numerous bug fixes & improvements.
v 2.2.0 - July 12th 2016
1. Modifications & Improvements to Document Templates 1,2 & A5;
2. New Feature: Add Surcharge to any Tax from the New Tax Menu;
3. New Feature: Add Original/Duplicate/Triplicate labels to documents;
4. New Feature: MAC Version;
5. New Feature: Ability to remove Invoice Payments;
6. New Feature: Ability to change default Invoice Titles;
7. Improvement: New Service Tax with KKC added;
8. Improvement: Contact name can now be shown on Documents;
9. Improvement: Private notes now appear in XLS export;
10. Improvement: PIN Code replaces ZIP;
11. Improvement: PO Text Box in Delivery Note;
12. Bug: Hyderabad now in correct state;
13. Bug: Window Size issue in Windows 10 high resolutions.
14. Bug: Quote to Invoice shipping charges now overwrite default.
15. Fixed Numerous Small Bugs & Improvements;
v 2.1.2 - May 4th 2016
1. Fixed empty column & Preview Error bugs;
v 2.1.1 - April 27th 2016
1. Ability to filter by city in Clients and Invoices Reports
2. Added multiple email templates to choose from when sending a document
3. Ability to add Prefix and Second number to Invoice Number
4. Amount Due is now updated on the invoice documents as you make payment
5. PO number field name can be customized
6. Amount column can be removed from Delivery Notes
7. Ability to add reset the invoicing number (reset fiscal year)
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v 2.1.0 - December 4th 2015
1. New Documents: Tax invoice, Retail invoice, Proforma invoice & Excise Invoice
2. New Document: Delivery note/Challan
3. Ability to add Discount per Product
4. Hide amount due on documents
5. Hide Qty, Tax & unit price columns
6. Show tax column in printed invoice
7. Column with unit of measurement
8. Unit of measurement support for products (i.e. grams, boxes, hours, meters etc)
9. A5 invoice redesign and improvement
10. New Service tax of 14.5% with SBCess listed
11. Option to hide Qty, Tax and Unit prce columns
12. Option to use 3 or 4 decimals
13. Indian formatting for numbers
14. Lakh and Crore used in Show amount in words
15. Redesign and improvement of Partial Payments section
v 2.0.3 – August 13th 2015
1. Added New Document Reports:
- Amount Paid, Balance (Outstanding), Dr/Cr and Date of Payment
2. Added Service Tax native support (with Cess added to tax amount)
3. Added ability to make new Taxes that have Cess added to their amount
4. Added option to create Tax Groups (multiple taxes grouped and applied individually to Amount)
5. Added option to add Shipping and Packaging costs to Total amount
6. Added option to Show Tax column in printed invoice instead of Quantity column
7. Tax names in dropdowns are now composed of both percentage and name
8. Various bug fixes and UI improvements.
v 2.0.2 – July 30th 2015
1. Added option to show Total amount in words on documents
2. Added Authorized Signatory placeholder option on invoices
3. Added Option to “Round off” total amount
4. Added TIN, PAN and Service Tax number to company details
5. Added a new, smaller document size for Invoices and Quotations: A5
6. Fixed balanced stock issue
7. Added separate, dedicated installer version for Partners
8. Free users can now activate Premium via “License Key” field
9. Estimates have now been renamed to Quotations
10. TIN can now be displayed as a column in the client export XLS

11. Space for “Notes” has been dramatically increased
12. Document limit / month is now 10
13. Various bug fixes and UI improvements.
v 2.0.1 - January 9th 2015
1. Technical upgrade (no functionality added or changed)
v 2.0.0 - December 4th 2014
1. License options are now: PREMIUM and FREE
2. Password protection: you can protect your business information by securing the program login by means of a password
3. Basic stock tracking functionality: you can add your current stock and it will be automatically recalculated when you issue invoices
4. New document model, fit for mailing by screen envelopes; color template picker, including black
5. Copy document functionality: when you use the same information on your documents to a great extent, all the hassle of rewriting has been replaced by a click on the Copy button
6. Label customization: you can now use the terms you prefer for certain aspects; if you prefer Quote instead of Estimate, you can change it very easily, and you will see the change reflected on your printed documents
7. Documents which have been sent by email or not can now be easily identified in the Reports
8. Combined taxes can be set up: combination of two taxes applied at the same time or one after the other, on the same product (in compliance with the Canadian tax system)
9. Preferred date formats are now available
10. The balance for each document is now visible on all document models, for ease of payment track
11. The program also remembers the path where you decide to save the issued documents
12. Default notes on documents can now be saved to be used on all documents, sparing the trouble to write the same text over and over again
13. Several lines in the description of a product can be entered using the enter command, to suit your needs (to enter size, colour or other significant details of your products/services)
14. The program now remembers the preferred zoom level used to view the documents
15. Redesign of various screens: client details, preferences
16. Various cosmetic changes: text alignment and rewording, documents details design, tooltips, buttons layout and alignment, various bug fixes.
17. The Free license has limited options: no dedicated support, no document emailing functionality, no copy document functionality, no password protection, no stock tracking, only one document model and color template available
v 1.4.4 - 19 September 2013
1. New dedicated discount functionality: you can add a discount to your document
2. Password protection: you can protect your business information by securing the program login by means of a password
3. Basic stock tracking functionality: you can add your current stock and it will be automatically recalculated when you issue invoices
4. New document model, fit for mailing by screen envelopes
5. Copy document functionality: when you use the same information on your documents to a great extent, all the hassle of rewriting has been replaced by a click on the Copy button
6. Label customization: you can now use the terms you prefer for certain aspects; if you prefer Quote instead of Estimate, you can change it very easily, and you will see the change reflected on your printed documents
7. Redesign of various screens: client details, preferences
8. Various cosmetic changes: text alignment and rewording, documents details design, tooltips, buttons layout and alignment, various bug fixes
v 1.4.3 - 30 July 2013
1. You can now record the total or partial payment on your invoices when issued or from the report , and your documents status will be marked accordingly in the report
2. Quick view of the paid and outstanding amounts on hovering the status of each invoice in the report
3. You can add a link to your PayPal account on your invoices so you can receive faster payments
4. You can configure your automatic email text for sending documents by email, using custom fields such as invoice number, date, client name and other significant details taken directly from the program
5. You have the option to set no tax to the products added to the documents
6. Minimize Sleek Bill pressing Ctrl+M keys so you can have instant access to your desktop items
7. Ability to add a description to the products/services
8. Preferences menu to make certain settings, such as showing tips or control adding products to the database a.s.o.
9. Various cosmetic changes: text alignment, default reports views, reports sorting, documents details design, bug fixes
v 1.4.2 - 3 July 2013
1. Order License menu added in the tool bar
2. Start screen - new users can opt to test or use the program, and existing users can restore the database to a prior state
3. Test mode database - a set of predefined mock data for new users to test the solution
4. Back option added on creating company profile
5. Tax percentage detailed on the invoices
6. Email Configuration screen improvement
7. Send by Email screen improvement
8. Access to document editing mode from reports and from the viewer
9. Various cosmetic changes: icons, text alignment, default reports views consistency
v 1.4.1 - 31 June 2013
1. Issue Estimate
2. Estimates Report
3. Convert estimate to invoice functionality
4. Currency displayed on document issue screen
5. Adding product/service from document issue screen
6. Ability to add Country
7. Order product license key functionality changed
8. Date fields improvement
9. Letter paper format option included
10. Colour customization functionality
11. Taxes detailed on the invoice footer

12. Company details screen update
13. Various details modified on invoice Viewer: currency, shipping and billing details, purchase order
14. Reports update: filter&order improvement
15. Invoice payment terms selector
16. Cosmetic changes in various places: icons, dialogues, text alignment, dashboard arrangement, lists ordering
v 1.0.0 - 13 May 2013
1. Tool bar menu and dashboard links
2. Create company profile and select current company
3. Backup Data and Restore Data
4. Add New option in lists
5. Taxes
6. Issue Invoice
7. Invoice viewer
8. Invoices Report
9. Add/Edit/View/Delete client
10. Clients Report
11. Import/Export clients list
12. Add/Edit/View/Delete product/service
13. Products/Services Report
14. Import/Export products list
15. Add City/County/State
16. Email server configuration
17. US date format
18. License by company name
19. About screen
20. Feedback form
21. Order Key
22. Trial ending screens
23. Backup notification
GST Billing Software
Before stepping into the content. Do you know what GST is? And when it was the launch? And also Discuss best GST Billing Software.
GST refers to Goods and Services Tax that is an indirect tax used by many countries (including India) on the supply of goods and services. It was launch on 1 July 2017 but the concept was in process for two decades.
After the implementation of GST, it submersed all the indirect taxes excluding some state taxes.
For creating a GST invoice, generating reports, and managing the return files, a GST software used by Business Owners or Professionals.
This software offers users the ability to preserve databases and tax reports that can be used in business development. To perform this activity and recording various data, the internet offers a lot of GST Billing softwarefree. download full Version With Crack.
But choosing an appropriate one is an essential step.
So, in this article, we will discuss one of the best Free GST billing software Crack is ClearTax which trusted by thousands of users.
Let’s get started.
Introduction of GST Billing Software
ClearTax GST Billing Software is founded in 2011, its founder and CEO are Archit Gupta. It is an income tax e-filling software.
In India, ClearTax is one of the most popular e-filling and tax preparation software. The company became the first Indian-focused start-up founded by Y-Combinator in 2014.
In May 2016, it named among 4 rising start-ups in India by Tech In Asia.
Today, ClearTax has two immense offices in Bengaluru and New Delhi. And more than 1.5 million Indian users use this software fore-filling the tax returns.
Moreover, they received funds from Silicon Valley and Sequoia Capital, $1.3 and $2 million respective. This shows the efficiency of ClearTax.
ClearTax GST Billing Software Working
This GST Billing softwarefree. download full Version With Crackis a complete solution for taxation at no cost. You get the guidance of experts and freelancer that helps you to save time and money.
You will experience diversity while working on ClearTax as you get work on a verity of projects.
Features of GST Billing software
Finite numbers of useful features are present in Cleartax GST. While using this software, you will find various major and minor functions. Some major features of Billing Software free. download full version India with crack listed below.
- Tax management.
- Reporting.
- MIS reports.
- Records of E-way bills.
- Dashboard.
- VAST/CST/GST reports.
- Address Validation.
- Billing & invoicing.
- Data Security.
- Accurate performance.
- Import and export of data.
- Transition tracking.
- Audit trail.
- Collaborate.
- GST ready.
- Inventory management.
- Reporting.
- GST.
- E-way bill generation.
- Sales tax management.
- Alerts through e-mails and SMS.
- CPA firms.
- Government relation.
These are some impressive features that help users in accounting and taxation. Moreover, it lacks some minor functions as listed below.
- Nonprofits.
- Project accounting.
- Fund accounting.
- Bank reconciliation.
- Fixed asset management.
- Payroll management.
- Buy.
GST Billing Software Pricing
The pricing of Cleartaxgst comes with plans. Although it has a demo version you have to buy any one plan for working.
The paid plans come with impressive features like Low deduction valid, Screen-based tutorials, Deducted PAN validation, and importation of all data from TRACES.
Choosing plans depends on your work type. The starting price is Rs799 it varies from plan to plan.
Sleek Bill India
Different plans come with different functions and features of GST Billing Software free. download full version India with crack.
GST Billing Software Specifications
Specifications related to this GST Accounting software free. download full version is not much high. Still, I listed below some of the basic information.
- Payment – Monthly
- Deployment – Any
- Language – English
- ClearTax Users – Enterprises, Agencies, SMEs
- Community support – E-mail
Talking about the supporting platforms ClearTax can used in.
- Desktop Platform – Windows and Web App.
- Mobile Platform – Android only.
For iOS and Mac, this GST billing software free. download full version with crack is not supportable. This is the only drawback of ClearTax.
GST Billing softwarefree. download full Version With Crack
Downloading this GST billing software free. download full version with crack is far easy than using. To download, follow the steps given below.
- Go to the official site of ClearTax by clicking HERE.
Sleek Bill India Crack Software Download Pc
- Download the set-up file from there.
Once, your zip file gets downloaded, follow these steps for installation
- Go to Downloads in your system.
- Double click on the downloaded file of ClearTax.
- The installation window will appear on the screen.
- Click on I Agree and let the software install.
- Complete the process by clicking on Finish.
Now, your software has installed on your system. For safe use, restart your operating system. Before using ClearTax, go through these steps as well.
- Open the software on your system.
- Make sure you connected with the internet.
- Register yourself with a g-mail ID.
- Now, you are a member of ClearTax and can buy plans to form them.
- Take a free trial and or direct buy a plan suitable for your work.
So, these are steps you have to follow from downloading to using the ClearTax.
Benefits of ClearTax GST
Using ClearTax GST Billing softwarefree. download full Version With Crack is a smart step. For those who are new to this field and have only basic knowledge, choosing ClearTax will be the best option for them.
It is a complete GST billing software in excel free download with a high number of worthwhile features.
Some leading advantages of using ClearTax are.
- Tax saving.
- Income tax filing in 10 minutes.
- Mutual fund investments.
- E-invoicing software.
- Direct tax software (TaxCloud).
Many further slight benefits are also there, that you will find while using it.
You can easy get various alternative software like ClearTax. Some of them listed below:
- ZarMoney:- This gives full inventory management, authorized control, and customizes reports. No further software gives that much command from top to bottom.
- BigTime:- Recommended for professionals, firms, engineers, and architects. With a wide database and efficient performance, it is one of the best.
- Suralink:- Those accounting firms who wanted to workflow the management process and streamline the PBC request, Suralink is a good option.
- Odoo:- This open-source software is customizable to business applicants that serve SMBs.
- Acumatica Cloud:- The best option for Industry functional and business class. This software has accurate data, automated processes, and forecasting capabilities.
So, these are some options you can use in place of GST ClearTax.
Hence, we have discussed a lot about ClearTax GST and through its features and advantages, we can say that it is one of the best GST Billing softwarefree. download full Version With Crack.
It is users friendly and supportive as well.
You will find a finite number of reports, easy file returns, and an impressive dashboard on ClearTax.
Hope this article helped you! What is your opinion upon ClearTax? Comment below and let us know.
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