Kms Activar Office 2016 Grace



Applies to:Volume licensed versions of Office 2019 and Office 2016, including Project and Visio

Cscript kmshost.vbs. After the updates are installed the Volume activation tools will open and you will need to enter your Office 2016 KMS key and activate it using this tool. It will not screw up your Windows 10 or Server 2012 R2 KMS Keys, and even leaves your Office 2013 keys in place if you have them. Aug 14, 2019 This activation method works only for Windows 10/ 8.1 and Windows Server 2019 / 2016 / 2012 / 2012 R2. Then you have to enter the same KMS Host key (CSVLK) and specify its name (optional). Now you only have to activate your KMS key. A warning that a new object will be created in the AD forest appears.

  • Microsoft Office 2016 KMS — additionally supports Windows 7 SP1 (with the KB2757817 installed), and Windows Server 2008 R2 (with the KB2757817). Office 2016 KMS and Windows KMS service can run on the same server or a workstation with the Volume Activation Services role installed.
  • Under the Key Management Service (KMS), each installed product (Windows and Office) will attempt to check its own activation state on a regular schedule that looks like this: Install product. On successful installation, a 30-day Grace period begins. Grace period Product has full functionality during grace period.
  • Office 2016 Permanent Activator Ultimate Office 2016 Permanent Ultimate Activator is a program that finder for mak and retail key in different servers for Office 2016 all types of publications. The Keys are automatically updated daily. This software is one of the best for Office 2016 Activators with daily mak and retail key updates.

All volume licensed versions of Office, including Project and Visio, have a Generic Volume License Key (GVLK) preinstalled. GVLKs support both Key Management Service (KMS) and Active Directory-based activation. On the KMS host computer configured to support volume activation of Office, you install and enable only one KMS host key to activate all volume licensed versions of Office.

If the KMS host computer is available and properly configured, activation of Office occurs transparently to the user. Office is activated the first time it runs, provided that there have been at least four previous activation requests to the KMS host computer. This is because the KMS host computer requires at least five requests before it begins activating clients.

You don't have to do anything else to enable activation of Office by KMS. KMS clients can locate a KMS host computer automatically by querying DNS for service (SRV) resource records (RRs) that publish the KMS service. For more information, see How DNS is used to find a KMS host computer.

If the network environment does not use SRV RRs, you can manually assign a KMS client to use a specific KMS host computer by configuring the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftOfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform registry key on the KMS client. The KMS host computer name is specified by KeyManagementServiceName (REG_SZ), and the port is specified by KeyManagementServicePort (REG_SZ). The default port is 1688. These registry keys can also be set through by using ospp.vbs script. For more information about the ospp.vbs script, see Tools to manage volume activation of Office.

Configure KMS host caching

You can configure whether or not the last used KMS host computer is saved to the cache on the KMS client. If the KMS host computer is not cached, the KMS client will query DNS every time that activation is attempted. This means that the priority and weight parameters set for KMS host computers will be honored. If the KMS host computer is cached, the KMS client won't query DNS and instead will attempt to contact the cached KMS host computer that last resulted in successful activation.


To configure KMS host caching, you can use the ospp.vbs script. For more information about the ospp.vbs script, see Tools to manage volume activation of Office.

To configure KMS host caching, open an elevated command prompt on the KMS client computer and go to the Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice16 folder. If you installed the 32-bit version of Office on a 64-bit operating system, go to the Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16 folder.

To disable KMS host caching, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

To enable KMS host caching, type the following command, and then press ENTER:

Check the license status of Office

The following table describes the license state of the Office with respect to activation.

Kms activatorKms Activar Office 2016 Grace
License stateDescription
By default, the KMS client requests activation with the KMS host computer one time every seven days. (The number of days is configurable.) This design allows the maximum possible time for the client to be in the licensed state.
After the client is successfully activated, it remains in the licensed state for 180 days. When in the licensed state, users do not see any notification dialog boxes prompting them to activate the client. After 180 days, the activation attempt process resumes. If activation is continually successful, the whole activation experience is transparent to the user.
If activation does not occur during the 180-day period, Office goes into the out-of-tolerance state for 30 days. Users then see notifications that request activation.
Unlicensed notification
If activation does not occur during the out-of-tolerance state, Office goes into the unlicensed notification state. Users then see notifications that request activation and a red title bar.

You use the ospp.vbs script with the /dstatusall option to check the license state for all Office clients. Use the /dstatus option to check the status of the local client. For more information about using the ospp.vbs script, see Tools to manage volume activation of Office.

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On a new Surface tablet, I removed the retail products and installed ProPlus from Volume Licensing. However, each Office application prompted for activation. When a product key was entered, the Office application would still report it was not activated.

The step-by-step explains how to use OSPP.VBS to resolve this issue.

8 Steps total

Step 1: Quit all open Office applications.

Step 2: Open an elevated command prompt.

Step 3: Navigate to your installed Office subdirectory

In my Office 2016 case, that path was:

Kms Activate Office 2016

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16

Step 4: At the prompt, enter: cscript.exe ospp.vbs /dstatus

Example output:

PRODUCT ID: 00339-23044-55497-AA566
SKU ID: c47456e3-265d-47b6-8ca0-c30abbd0ca36
LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_MAK edition
Last 5 characters of installed product key: WFHBB
PRODUCT ID: 00200-70000-00000-AA156
SKU ID: d7279dd0-e175-49fe-a623-8fc2fc00afc4
LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16O365HomePremR_Grace edition
LICENSE DESCRIPTION: Office 16, RETAIL(Grace) channel
ERROR CODE: 0xC004F009
ERROR DESCRIPTION: The Software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired.
Last 5 characters of installed product key: KHGM9


In my case, I needed to remove the Office 16, Office16O365HomePremR_Grace edition item.

Step 5: Note the last five characters of the product key you want to remove.

In my case, the Office 16, Office16O365HomePremR_Grace edition characters were:

Last 5 characters of installed product key: KHGM9

Step 6: Enter: cscript.exe ospp.vbs /unpkey:[LASTFIVECHARACTERSOFKEYTOREMOVE]

In my case:

cscript.exe ospp.vbs /unpkey:KHGM9

Output is as follows:

Uninstalling product key for: Office 16, Office16O365HomePremR_Grace edition


Step 7: Rerun cscript.exe ospp.vbs /dstatus

This is to confirm that the product key is removed. My output:

PRODUCT ID: 00339-23044-55497-AA566
SKU ID: c47456e3-265d-47b6-8ca0-c30abbd0ca36
LICENSE NAME: Office 16, Office16ProPlusVL_MAK edition
Last 5 characters of installed product key: WFHBB

Note we no longer see the Office 16, Office16O365HomePremR_Grace edition item.

Step 8: Launch any Office product to confirm it does not prompt for activation

This flummoxed me for two days. However, calling the Volume Licence Support line led to this quick fix.


Microsoft Office 2016 Kms



Kms Activator

  • Mace
    Mike400 Sep 10, 2018 at 06:30pm

    It's a known bug relating to the Microsoft Office Desktop Applications. Uninstall those and then go delete these two keys in the registry:


    Close all MS-Office applications and restart them. You don't need to reboot the PC.

  • Serrano
    mwhalenhtc Sep 12, 2018 at 05:08pm

    Thanks a bunch, @Mike400. I appreciate your help. I'm going to try that now on yet another computer with an Office problem.

  • Pimiento
    boingone Sep 21, 2018 at 02:19am

    Hi mwhalenhtc, i worked on this problem over two weeks. I already removed the two OEM registry keys but still getting the activation popup.

    The ospp.vbs works, Thanks :)