THIS FORUM IS NO LONGER ACTIVE. PLEASE POST ANY NEW QUESTIONS OR DISCUSSION ON:discussions here are p. In this video, we will walk through the steps of finding and installing a plugin for Grasshopper, specifically the Kangaroo Physics plugin. You can find a huge variety of Rhino and Grasshopper.
Kangaroo Toronto (GTA)
Kangaroo Calgary
Kanagroo Edmonton
It consists of a solver library and a set of Grasshopper components. Installation instructions and a draft manual are included with the latest download. Kangaroo is now included with Rhino 6 and 7 and if you are using a current version you do not need to download or install it from here.
Unit 33, 10331 106 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T5J 0J2
Kangaroo Vancouver
The Kangaroo Garage Door brand operates across Canada to provide specialized garage door services to both commercial businesses and residential home owners. We hold each and every one of our management teams to a high standard of service.
Have you had an experience with your local Kangaroo Garage Door company that you would like to share with us? Please click here and fill out our comment card.
We reward feedback and we can give you a discount off your next bill. We are developing our national brand and want your help. Our vision is to become the most widely accepted garage door brand in Canada through competitive pricing, excellent service, and high quality parts. That means we are going to need your help. Rather than guess what you want from your Canadian garage door company, we are asking you directly, “What do you want?” We also know that your time is valuable to you so we hope that the discount we are offering more than offsets the cost of your time spent helping us.
ADDON. Version 2.3.3.Released on 2019-Dec-15.Provides 98 components.Created by Daniel Piker.Features 33 video tutorials.
Components for form-finding, physics simulation, geometric constraint solving and optimization
Goals-Angle |
Goals-Co |
Goals-Lin |
Goals-Mesh |
Goals-On |
Goals-Pt |
Main |
Mesh |
Utility |
By Parent(ByParent) Refine a Mesh, separating outputs by parent face |
Checkerboard Attempt to separate a mesh into 2 lists of non-adjacent faces |
Diagonalize(Diag) Replace each edge with a new face |
Face Face Offset(FaceFace) Offset a conical mesh so that corresponding faces are constant distance apart |
Fold Angle(FoldAngle) Measure the current angle between two triangles about their common edge |
Hinge Points(HingePoints) Get the 4 points for each internal edge to use in a Hinge Force |
Combine&Clean(Clean) Combine and Clean a list of meshes, removing unused and duplicate vertices |
Mesh Corners(MC) Extract corners sharper than some angle |
Mesh Direction(MD) Sort the face directions of a mesh |
Mesh Map(MeshMap) Map points from one mesh to another |
Mesh Turn(Turn) Rotate the vertex order of each face |
Naked Vertices(NV) Sorts the vertices of a mesh into 2 lists according to whether or not they are surrounded by faces |
Refine Divide each quad into 4 quads, and each triangle into 4 triangles |
Refine Strips(Strips) Directional subdivision, refines quads in one direction only |
Simple Remesh(SimpleRemesh) Isotropically remesh a Brep or Mesh |
Stripper Divide a mesh into strips |
Tangent Circles(TC) Generate face incircles, circle packing centred on vertices, or incircular dual |
Unroller Unroll a strip of quads |
Vertex Neighbours(VN) Returns the positions of the vertices connected the given vertex by an edge |
Warp Weft(WarpWeft) Separate the edges of a mesh into 2 lists according to Warp and Weft direction |
Remesh By Colour(RemeshByColour) Remeshing with edge lengths dependent on the vertex colours of the input mesh |
Conicalize(Conical) Adjust a quad mesh to make vertices conical - so the mesh has a face-face offset (See the paper 'The focal geometry of circular and conical meshes' for details). Use together with Planarize |
Cyclic Quad(CyclicQuad) Make a quadrilateral have a circumscribed circle |
Developablize Turn a triangular mesh into developable patches with creases. Based on the paper 'Developability of Triangle Meshes' by Stein, Grinspun & Crane |
Edge Lengths(EdgeLengths) Set the edge lengths of a mesh |
Hinge Hinge |
Isothermic(Iso) Make a quad mesh S-Isothermic, as described in the paper 'Quasiisothermic Mesh Layout' by Sechelmann, Rörig & Bobenko |
Live Soap(LS) For generating minimal and CMC (zero and constant mean curvature respectively) meshes which adapt their connectivity during relaxation to maintain triangle quality |
No Fold Through(NoFoldThrough) To stop the sides of a hinge passing through each other |
Planarize Planarize |
Plastic Hinge(PH) Like Hinge, except folding beyond the plastic/elastic threshold will alter the rest angle |
Polygon Area(PolygonArea) PolygonArea |
Pressure A force normal to each triangle, and proportional to its area |
Smooth Smooth |
Soap Film(SG) For generating zero mean curvature meshes |
Tangential Smooth(TSmooth) Smooth a mesh only in the local tangent planes. Used in conjunction with SoapFilm |
Tangent Incircles(TangentIncircles) TangentIncircles |
Vertex Loads(VertexLoads) Apply equal vertical loads to all vertices of a mesh |
Volume Set the total volume of a mesh |
Wind Wind |
Anchor Anchor |
Anchor XYZ(AnchorXYZ) Fix a point only along chosen world axes. If you need to reset the initial position, disconnect then reconnect the Point input. |
Bomb(B) Causes an explosion after a given number of iterations |
Coincident(C) Equivalent to a zero length constraint between a pair of points |
Floor Floor |
Magnet Snap(MS) Snap points together according to proximity |
Plastic Anchor(PlasticAnchor) PlasticAnchor |
Transform Keep a given transformation between 2 points |
Load Load |
Clamp Length(ClampLength) Keep length within given bounds |
Constant Tension(CT) An element which adapts its stiffness to maintain a constant force |
Direction Align a line segment with a given vector, or if none supplied, the closest of the World XYZ vectors |
Dynamic Weight1d(DW) A load in the negative Z direction, which updates its magnitude according to the length of the line |
Equal Length(EqualLength) EqualLength |
Length Ratio(LengthRatio) Maintain a fixed ratio between the lengths of a pair of lines |
Length Snap(LengthSnap) Snap length to whole number multiples of a given number |
Plastic Length(PL) This tries to preserve the length of the line elastically, until it is deformed beyond the limit, then its rest length gets changed |
Length(Line) Length(Line) |
Install Kangaroo For Grasshopper Pc
Align Faces(AlignFaces) Align faces of a pair of rigid bodies |
Beam Beam resisting bending and torsion |
Concentric Align axes of a pair of rigid bodies |
Rigid Body(RigidBody) RigidBody |
Rigid Point Set(RigidPointSet) A set of points which maintain their relative positions |
Solid Collide(SolidCollide) Collision between a pair of solids |
Solid Plane Collide(SolidPlaneCollide) Collision between a plane and a solid |
Support Set support conditions for a beam end or rigid body |
Show Show |
Grab This lets you drag Kangaroo particles in Rhino viewports |
Bouncy Solver(BouncySolver) Solver with momentum |
Solver The main component where Goals are combined and applied |
Soft & Hard Solver(Soft&HardSolver) Solver with separate inputs for soft goals, and hard constraint type goals |
Zombie Solver(ZombieSolver) A version of the solver component which keeps all iterations internal, and outputs the final result |
Step Solver(StepSolver) Solver which advances only when input refreshed. Useful for making animations |
Install Kangaroo For Grasshopper 2
Angle Angle |
Angle Snap(AS) Snap the angle between 2 lines to the closest whole number multiple of a given value |
Clamp Angle(ClampAngle) Keep an angle between 2 lines within a given range |
Equal Angle(EA) Equalize angles between multiple pairs of lines |
G2 Maintain curvature continuity between 2 nurbs curves |
Rod Bending and stretching resistant rod |
Collider Collisions between thickened line segments and spheres |
Curve Point Collide(CPC) Keep a set of points outside or inside a given 2d curve |
Curve Collide(CC) Collisions between closed curves in a given plane |
Image Circles(ImgCircles) Circle packing with sizes from image colours |
Solid Point Collide(SPC) Keep a set of points outside or inside a given Mesh |
Sphere Collide(SC) Collisions between large numbers of equal sized spheres |
Dot Display(Dot) Show points as round dots |
interconnect Points(inter) Draws one line between every pair of points in a list |
Möbius Transformation(MB) 3d Möbius Transformations of any geometry using 4d rotation |
remove Duplicate Lines(dupLn) Removes similar lines from a list. |
remove Duplicate Pts(dupPt) Removes similar points from a list |
Split At Corners(SplitAtCorners) Break a polyline into multiple parts based on angle |
Co Circular(CoCircular) CoCircular |
Co Linear(CoLinear) CoLinear |
Co Planar(CoPlanar) CoPlanar |
Co Spherical(CoSpherical) CoSpherical |
On Curve(OnCurve) Keep a point on a given Curve |
On Mesh(OnMesh) Keep a point on a given Mesh |
On Plane(OnPlane) Keep a point on a given plane |