Harmonics In Astrology Pdf


Sep 15, 2020 DOWNLOAD PDF. Description Download Harmonics In Astrology: An Introductory Textbook to the New Understanding of an Old Science Comments. That the Witte-Astrology received many additional names in the German spoken area. Friedrich Sieggrun called it 'Mathematical Astrology.' Alfred Witte called it the 'Methods of the Hamburg people' (Methoden der Hamburger). Ludwig Rudolph called it 'Witte’s System.' There are still many other names which were used according to need. For example, the orb for the 5th harmonic aspects is 5 1/3 degrees and the orb for 32nd harmonic is 1/2 degree. Using these orbs, all harmonics will occur approximately equally often by chance (but not precisely equally often because of the non-random distribution of planetary angles). Having different harmonics occur equally often by chance is.

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  3. 13th Harmonic Astrology
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Harmonic horoscopes are based on principles of resonance, like overtones, which are present in every horoscope. The whole zodiac (360°) is taken as the basic tone, representing the number one (1). By using a higher vibration, we can 'cause' the circle to oscillate more quickly, so to speak, and investigate which planets work together in this particular pattern. For example, the fourth harmonic would involve all those planets which share square aspects (90° - division of the circle by four). In the harmonic chart, these planets form conjunctions. The number corresponding to each 'vibration' influences the interpretation.

At the risk over oversimplifying, one can say that the study of harmonics greatly extends and differentiates the theory of aspects.

Numerical Symbolism and Aspects


The aspects imply favorable, unfavorable or ambivalent relationships between the planets. Although the interpretation depends greatly on the nature of the planets involved, this view largely derives from the traditional symbolism of the numbers 1,2,3 and 4: When the circle is divided by the number one, the result is again 360° or 0° - the distance which defines a conjunction. Division by 2 gives us 180° (Opposition); division by 3 gives us the trine(120°), When we divide by 4 we have a square (90°).

The number one symbolizes the original oneness of all being, and consequently two planets in conjunction become a unified whole. The number two is the division of this one-ness into polarities, for example male and female, upper and lower, yin and yang, etc., leading to a certain tension of opposites. The number three symbolizes a creative striving ' thesis and antithesis leading to a synthesis. Usually, planets in trine are in the same element. Accordingly, they support and complement each other. The number four is matter made manifest, law fulfilled, that which has become. The corresponding square is generally considered difficult, each side obstructing the other, unable to give way.

Harmonics in astrology pdf download

Minor Aspects and Harmonics

Considering the above, we might well wonder about the division of the circle by other numbers, for example 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. This is as far as the minor aspects go, giving us the quintile, sextile, septile, octile, novile and decile aspects. However, these aspects and their multiples can only be arrived at by calculation. Also, the interpretation of the minor aspects is by no means as clear as that of the major aspects.

Using the technique of harmonics, one can concentrate on a certain division of the circle, instead of searching for minor aspects. The division of the circle is a matter of choice, e.g. by 5, by 57 or by 228, and one should be aware of the symbolic meaning of the number one chooses. Using the chosen number, for example 36, one can calculate a sort of auxiliary horoscope, which can be used for further analysis.

Applied Harmonics

Using the 36th harmonic chart, one can immediately see which planets form 10°-angles (360 : 36 = 10), since all of these planets will stand in conjunction. One could for example take the number 36 as indicative of an ability of fine problem solving: 36=(2x2)x(3x3), as a tension between opposites and the striving for solution multiplied many times. In that case, the 36th harmonic would tell us about someone's approach to problem-solving and of the difficulties to be reckoned with. Within the 36th harmonic one can use major aspects, one can compare the harmonic and the natal charts, one can relate transits to the harmonic positions to events, etc. Finally, the 36th harmonic can be related to the 36th year of life - since it is the 36th time one has completed the journey around the sun, the person will be sensitive to this frequency.

When working with harmonics, one of the difficulties one meets with lies in determining the particular significance of each harmonic, in other words, in finding out what the symbolic value of the numerical factor is. In practice, one usually reduces the numbers in question to multiples of those numbers whose interpretation is assured ' as in the above-mentioned example. Another means of arriving at the meaning of the higher values is to resort to cross-sums and other mathematical and numerological practices. In theory, one could calculate an endless number of harmonic horoscopes for each natal chart. One is left with the choice of resorting to a vague numerological mysticism or working toward a systematic evaluation of the subject through comparative study.


John M. Addey, Harmonics in Astrology, Fowler & Co. The most comprehensive work on this subject, with detailed instructions regarding the calculation, interpretation and application of harmonics.

Michael Harding u. Charles Harvey, Working with Astrology, Arkana 1990, An introduction to harmonics which is easy to read, with lots of practical examples. A great practical guide.

David Hamblin, Harmonic Charts, Aquarian Press. John Addey thought it was important too, as he wrote the foreword.

Cover of Cochrane's book (cf. below)

A sub-horoscope which can help to reveal horoscope aspects which otherwise often remain hidden. This method has its roots in Indian astrology (so-called Vargas) and was taken up in the middle of the twentieth century by John Addey.

Conjunctions in the

  • 2nd harmonic show oppositions in the radix chart. The
  • 3rd harmonic shows trines in the radix chart, the
  • 4th shows squares and oppositions, the
  • 5th shows quintiles (360/ 5), the
  • 6th sextiles, trines, oppositions (as 6 = 2 x 3). The
  • 7th septiles (360/ 7), the
  • 8th semi-Squares and sesquisquares, squares, oppositions (as 8 = 2 x 2 x 2, or 4 x 2), and so on


In order to create a harmonic horoscope the 360 degree circle is divided by the number of the particular harmonic. It is theoretically possible to do this with any number, but in practice the most common harmonics astrologers work with are the 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th and 9th.

In the following, the number 5 (i.e. the 5th harmonic) is used to illustrate the principle: The 360 degree circle is divided into 5 segments. The resulting aspect is the quintile (72 degrees); the fifth harmonic is concerned with the quintile and bi-quintile. Each of the 5 segments contains the whole zodiac, always starting at 0 degrees of Aries. These five segments are then laid on top of each other so that the planets which form quintiles or bi-quintiles to each other in the original chart come together. What remains is a 72 degree segment which is then expanded out again to form a whole circle. That is the 5th harmonic horoscope. All the planets that formed quintile or biquintile aspects in the natal chart now come together to form conjunctions. Any resulting oppositions were semi-quintiles (36 degrees) in the natal chart and a trine in the harmonic chart was a 3rd of a quintile (24 degrees) in the natal chart.

The following procedure is used to calculate the positions of the planets, Ascendant and Medium Coeli in the harmonic chart: The absolute number of degrees of each horoscope factor is multiplied by the harmonic number - in this case 5. (The absolute number of degrees is always measured from 0 degrees of Aries; for example, the absolute number of degrees for 23 degrees of Gemini is 83 degrees). If the result is a number larger than 360, then 360 is subtracted as many times as is necessary from this number until a number below 360 is reached. This number gives the position of the horoscope factor in question.


As might be expected, number symbolism is an important factor when it comes to interpretation: The number of the harmonic and the aspect resulting from the division of the circle - in the above example the quintile - indicate the quality of the theme in question.

The most significant planets in the harmonic horoscope are those that form a conjunction because they resonate most closely with the harmonic number. The next factors to consider are those planets that form other major aspects because they also share a common wavelength.

The harmonic is kind of lens through which you can read something about the person. For example, the septile supposedly indicates inspiration plus discipline, and is common in charts of members of the clergy and composers. It seems to be a more spiritual aspect. So if you want to know about someone's spirituality or creative inspiration, run the 7th harmonic chart. Hard aspects will show what is challenging or difficult in this domain for the person, and the trines will show what flows easily for them.
Christoph Schubert-Weller comments that: 'A strong 4th harmonic indicates above all the challenge of self-integration but also the strive for concrete success. A strong 5th harmonic is above all linked to an active, constructive and formative approach to the world of form. The 7th harmonic emphasises the artist, the creative person. But the 7th harmonic is also more strongly associated with criminal behaviour. A strong 9th harmonic indicates idealistic, religious and at times paranormal capabilities. The 9th harmonic is associated with wisdom and composure.

See also



Vedic Astrology Pdf

  • What a Harmonic Chart is and How to Interpret it (David Cochrane, youTube-demonstration 2015)
  • Harmonics (Astrodienst)
  • Calculating harmonics (Astrodienst; select type of chart: 'harmonic chart')
  • Alice Portmann: Age Harmonics (several articles)
  • Harmonics: which and why (50megs.com, 2003)
  • The Harmonic Astrology Project (Michael Jordan, 2001)
  • Axial Harmonics - A brief development history (Carl & Rodney Smith, 1999-2000)

Harmonics In Astrology Pdf Free


  • John Addey: Harmonics in Astrology: An Introductory Textbook to the New Understanding of an Old Science 272 pages. L.N.Fowler 1st edition 1976; Eyebright Books 4th edition 2009 ISBN 1904258026 ISBN 978-1904258025
The most comprehensive work on this subject, with detailed instructions regarding the calculation, interpretation and application of harmonics
  • Michael Harding and Charles Harvey, Working with Astrology: The Psychology of Midpoints, Harmonics and Astrocartography. Arkana 1990/ Consider (Revised edition) 1998, 472 pages. ISBN-10: 1873948034 ISBN-13: 978-1873948033
An introduction to harmonics which is easy to read, with lots of practical examples

13th Harmonic Astrology

  • David Hamblin, Harmonic Charts, Aquarian Press
  • David Cochrane: The First 32 Harmonics. A Qualitative Research Study 102 Pages, 2012. Cosmic Patterns Software, Inc.

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