Rogue Trooper Rogue Trooper is a third-person shooter based on the 2000AD comic of the same name. In case you don't follow British comic books, Rogue Trooper is a gritty sci-fi strip about a genetically engineered soldier named Rogue who fights in the perpetual war that wages on the planet of Nu Earth. It's an interesting premise, and the story translates well into a video game, allowing for some unique gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, the standout features in the game are negated by a stunted single-player campaign, limited multiplayer, and a handful of annoying design flaws. The story in the game of Rogue Trooper sticks close to the comic. You play the game as Rogue, a genetic infantryman, or GI. Rogue is a special kind of soldier cloned and bred to survive the harsh conditions on the planet of Nu Earth, where two powerful factions are locked in conflict. It seems that all of the chemical weapons used in the war have taken their toll on the planet, turning it into a barren, toxic, uninhabitable wasteland. Regular soldiers have to use respirators and wear special suits just to stay alive, but Rogue and his fellow blue-skinned infantrymen are immune to the toxins, making them perfect ground troops. Rogue works for the Southers, the more affable of the two factions. His mission is to eliminate the Norts, who are the oppressive and underhanded enemy of the Southers. Although Rogue technically works for the Southers, his allegiance is to himself and his three closest squadmates. System Requirements
Click on the 'Skip Ad' button present at the top right corner of the screen to start the download after clicking on the download buttons. The game is divided into three parts. Download all three parts and extract them into single folder then simply run the file setup.exe file to start the installation of the game. REMEMBER YOU'LL NEED TO DOWNLOAD ALL THE THREE PARTS TO PLAY THE GAME ELSE IT WON'T RUN.
While extracting the game, it will ask for the password and the password is 'www.grandpcgames.com' without quatations('). Screenshot Click to enlarge |
Rogue Trooper Game Download Pc Free Windows 10
Install the game - Full Installation. Mount the ROGUE TROOPER.MDS DVD-Image in DAEMON Tools v4. Use an anti-blacklisting tool, like SecuROM Loader v1.2, to avoid SecuROM v4 blacklisting of DAEMON Tools. Install the game - Full Installation. Mount the ROGUE TROOPER.MDS DVD-Image in DAEMON Tools v4. Use an anti-blacklisting tool, like SecuROM Loader v1.2, to avoid SecuROM v4 blacklisting of DAEMON Tools. Download free GOG PC games. We have every game from the GOG.com catalog available to download for free! 8.70 MB roguetrooperreduxgamecomic.zip. The game starts with Rogue and his comrades launched from a drop-ship. They come under fire from the Norts due to the information that had been leaked by the General. Upon landing the first mission is a tutorial in how to use Rogue’s skills and also the Bio-chips of Gunnar and then Bagman. The third Bio-chip of Helm is received in a later. Rogue Trooper Redux Free Download – CroHasIt PC Game setup in single direct link for windows. For More Pc Games Download at Crohasit.com Download Rogue Trooper Redux for FREE on PC – Released on October 17, 2017, Rogue Trooper Redux is an action adventure tactical shooter and is now remastered in true high definition.